Well, Well, Wednesday


Sometimes the best thing I can do for myself is NOT to write a wellness post on Wednesday.

Sometimes I spend my entire lunch period wondering about where I should go for lunch, and then it’s too late to go anywhere. Lunchtime is over.

Wednesdays are like that, too.

I am learning to be more flexible and expect the unexpected. Again.

When I was younger, I was so carefree.
I lived life as an INFP*,
Never knowing or caring where I would be
Improvising, literally

Adulting’s responsibilities
caused me anxiety
stifling my creativity

I’m finally coming back
I’m coming home
To being Me.

See? And here I thought I was going to type a post about my reading list and the virtues of paperbacks. Maybe talk a little about writing my new book of stories and recipes. Instead I wrote a poem.

Welcome to the Key of Dee.

*Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiver according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality theory. Check it out on http://www.onlinepersonalitytests.org/mbti

7 thoughts on “Well, Well, Wednesday

  1. Going with the flow seems to work so well for you, Denise! I just found a very interesting quiz on the NY Times whose headline was, “So Apparently There are 4 Kinds of Introversion”. It was really interesting to do the quiz and discover I’m a “thinking-social” introvert. I prefer the word we invented for my extroverted introversion, “InOutrovert”. 😉 I enjoyed your poem and hearing that you are back to being more flexible and expecting the unexpected again. It serves your writing well. Enjoyed your musings in poetic form today!

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